Tuesday, February 2, 2010


It's safe to say that technology has taken some giant leaps in the past 40 years. Today, I've had some time on my hands and I found a few leaps it is taking currently.

I'm a video game nerd... so i find this exciting:

Augmented reality

there are so many uses for this concept in just gaming alone. This is one of my favorite:


Probably, the largest directional push for technology is towards greener energy alternatives. We're learning to harness energy from wind, the sun, and even OUR SHOES! Soon, if some people would move out of the way... *cough* exxon *cough*, the last thing we will want to power our cars and homes is oil.


As important as being green is, I think that space travel is the most revolutionary thing the world is working on. And soon, you can be apart of it:

If you have a good $300 grand pocketed

Monday, February 1, 2010

Finally in the bloggosphere

Starting a blog...
This is exciting. I have been out of the loop for way too long now. I hope I get more readers than just my mom. It took me a good hour and a half to figure out what I wanted to title my blog. I even went as far as googling how to name a blog. That doesn't help if you were wondering. I'm just glad that this one wasn't taken. I think it might work well. I like the background too. I wanted something simple. Well, anyways..

Stay posted internet. I'll be back soon.

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